GenStrand Fragment
Our GenStrand Fragments are double-stranded, linear DNA fragments, which can be used for a variety of research applications due to the faster delivery time, more economical price, and greater flexibility. They could be shipped in only a few working days and will be provided in a lyophilized tube which can be easily re-suspended cloned, and screened to identify the correct clone for downstream applications.
Service Advantages
Cloning Accuracy: More than 85% of the recombinant colonies from cloning GenStrand Fragments are correct.
Flexible and Versatile: GenStrand Fragments can be used individually or assembled into longer constructs
Economical: Cost-effective to meet every budget, starting at just $79 / fragment.
Service Options
Length (bp) Price Turnaround Time Predicted Cloning Accuracy
101-500 $79 3-5 business days >85%
501-1000 $129
1001-1200 $189 5-7 business days
1201-1600 $229
1601-2000 $269
*Only sequences with overall GC content between 20% and 80% qualify for GENEFragments service. GC/AT rich or sequences with complex repeats do not qualify
*For batch orders, additional 1-2 business days is expected to add to completion time.

Standard Deliverables
- 400 ng lyophilized double-stranded DNA
- Quality Assurance Certificate:Gel Analysis
Ordering Information
Or download and fill out the order form below and email to . Our sales representative will contact you within 24 hours.